DURHAM Tees Valley Airport chiefs claim it is “fighting back” after stemming almost three years of falling passenger numbers.

Following 30 consecutive months of decline, which saw the airport hit a 35-year low last year, provisional figures suggest Durham Tees Valley experienced an increase in passengers in the first two months of this year.

With three out of the past four months showing an improvement – the exception being snow-bound December – airport director Mike Morton believes it could finally be on an upward curve.

However, with Ryanair axing its final route this summer and other carriers reviewing their services, no one at Durham Tees Valley is getting carried away with the improvement.

“I believe that with the turnaround, which began in November, we are starting to head in the right direction, “ said Mr Morton.

“Indeed, the provisional statistics from the Civil Aviation Authority show that our percentage increases in both passenger numbers and flights in January were among the highest recorded for any UK airport. It is fighting back.”

He was particularly delighted that the rise began after operator Peel Airports introduced a controversial £6 passenger fee.

“The evidence from talking to many of our customers is that they recognise that the fee is needed to secure the financial stability of the airport and enable us to plan for its long-term future,” he said.

Passenger numbers soared by 47 per cent in January compared to the same month last year and the trend continued in February with a 24 per cent increase. November saw a 13 per cent increase before December’s Arctic weather was blamed for a four per cent dip.

Peel Airports spokesman Robin Tudor said: “We are conscious that the economic recovery is fragile and things can change rapidly, but winter is traditionally a difficult period for all airports, so it’s encouraging to see a few green shoots of recovery.”

He reckoned the airport benefitted from the solid performance of its scheduled business services, including the KLM link to Amsterdam and the Eastern Airways Aberdeen and Southampton services, and an expanded winter holiday programme, with flights to Alicante, Tenerife and Sharm El Sheikh.