BARRIE MAYFIELD is trying to find family who come from Darlington.

Mr Mayfield, who is a first generation New Zealander, would like to hear from the Bowman and Kitching families.

His maternal grandfather, John William Bowman, was born in Darlington in 1865. His grandmother, Elizabeth Ann Kitching was born in Hull in 1864. They married in Leeds in 1885, where they had seven children - John, Edward, George and Frederick, who all died in infancy, in England, and three girls, Marie, Mary Hannah and Olive Elizabeth, who emigrated to New Zealand with their parents, in 1912, and lived to their 70s and 80s.

Mary Hannah is Mr Mayfield's mother.

Any members of the family still in the Darlington area can contact him at 29 Rewa Street, Sunshine, Dunedin, 9013, New Zealand, on or at 64-3-455-1940.