A VILLAGE club treasurer has been given a community sentence after admitting stealing £4,000 from its coffers.

Neil Proctor, 36, who controlled the finances at the Ivy Leaf WMC in Burnhope, near Stanley, helped himself to the money over a period of a year.

Proctor, of The Grove, Burnhope, admitted theft earlier this month at Durham Crown Court and was today given a 12-month community order that will also require him to do 60 hours unpaid work in the community.

He was also ordered to repay the money he stole at the rate of £150 per month and to pay £1,000 prosecution costs.

The court heard from prosecutor Jane Mitford at a previous hearing that suspicions were raised when the club held a Key Draw that revealed there was no prize money inside the box.

Stephen Rich, in mitigation, said of Proctor: "He is someone of previous good character and got himself in a frightful mess through this particular offence."

Judge Christopher Prince told Proctor that he had breached the trust placed in him as a club official and stolen money for his own use.

The judge added: "The North-East has a fine tradition of clubs. They are important to people in many ways.

"I am sure the Ivy Leaf WMC can ill afford to lose £4,000 and that is why I am ordering you to return it to them. They will not receive interest on it, but they will get the money back."