A GREEN-FINGERED gardener was shocked to discover a foot-long carrot while digging up vegetables.

The carrot was found by Stuart Boulton on his allotment in Smithfield Road, Darlington.

Mr Boulton, who works as a photographer for The Northern Echo, said: “I don’t know what caused it to grow the way it has.

“Someone told me if you manured the soil, the tips go off in search of the good manure, but I don’t know exactly why.

“I’ve grown some oddlooking vegetables in the past. Last year, I grew one which resembled something you couldn’t print. I made the foot into a carrot and coriander soup and it was very tasty.”

■ Have you grown anything stranger? Let us know on 01325-505068, or email pictures to newsdesk@ nne.co.uk