A NORTH-EAST youngster who gave loving care to his brother, who died of cerebral palsy, has won a national award.

Alex Ellwood, ten, of Templetown, Consett, County Durham, was named most caring child at the star-studded Well Child awards in London on Monday night.

His brother, Andrew, had a severe form of cerebral palsy and died from the condition last year.

Alex helped with monitors and oxygen, talked to him constantly and would often curl up in bed with him. Alex received nine nominations for the award, which he received from Rod Stewart’s wife, Penny Lancaster.

The awards – run by the Well Child charity, which helps the families of sick youngsters – highlight children who have to cope with serious illness and the efforts of those who look after them.

Alex’s mother, Jenni Ellwood, said: “This evening has just been so amazing. We are so proud and honoured to be part of something so special and to have Alex recognised for all that he has done for us and our family.

“We really do feel like we are very privileged to have Alex as our son and thank you has to be said to Well Child for recognising this and for inviting us to such a wonderful event.”

The family raised £7,000 for St Oswald’s Hospice, in Newcastle, in 2008 with an auction of celebrity items.

Mrs Ellwood said the two brothers were extremely close and that Andrew’s death last November hit Alex hard.

She said the award “brought something positive out of a very negative experience”, and added: “It has given us something to focus on and something to look forward to and it has brought the sparkle back into his eyes.”

Nikki Turnbull, and Kath Aveyard, both from York, received a recognition award at the ceremony.

Mrs Aveyard’s daughter, Bryony, 11, died of a brain haemorrhage in 2008. Since then, the Aveyards and family friend Nikki Turnbull have raised more than £75,000 for Well Child in memory of her.