DEMONSTRATORS assembled outside the AGM of a multiple sclerosis charity today to protest against the possible closure of its respite care centres, one of which is in North Yorkshire.

The MS Society plans to close its four residential centres by the end of next year, aiming instead to offer more personalised forms of treatment and help members have holidays.

The centres in York, Surrey, Warwickshire and East Lothian face closure if they are not taken over by other organisations.

The plans were being considered at the AGM at a hotel in Wembley, north west London.

A spokeswoman for the Society said: "On June 9 this year, our board of trustees, the majority of whom live with MS on a daily basis, made the difficult decision to withdraw residential respite care by the end of 2011.

"This followed a year-long consultation with people living with MS and their carers.

"More than 1,600 people contributed their views, including people who use the respite centres.

Of these, two thirds (66 per cent) said that their preferred setting for respite was a holiday venue with care provided, 17 per cent wanted respite provided at a holiday venue with no care provided and 13 per cent wanted respite at a residential or nursing home venue like the four centres we currently run.

"We absolutely understand peoples concerns about the future of the centres. They provide an excellent standard of care and many people have benefited greatly from their time there.

"Ultimately though, people living with MS have told us they favour more choice and control over their care and that our current services, while excellent, are inequitable.

"Last year only four people living in Wales and nobody in Northern Ireland visited the centres.

"We believe that by reallocating our resources we can better meet the needs of the 95 per cent of people with MS who currently receive little or no respite care.

"We plan to provide wider choice and more detailed information around the type of breaks that best suit people with MS and will be offering financial and practical support to help them access holidays of their choosing.

"This will ensure that more people affected by MS will be able to make the choice thats right for them, wherever they live and whatever their needs.

"Meantime, negotiations are under way to transfer the four centres to other care providers so that they can continue running."

But campaigners fear closure is more likely because the centres have equipment, such as ceiling-mounted hoists, which is highly specialised for MS patients.

Sue Tilley, who has had MS for 36 years and is a former MS Society Trustee, told the BBC: "It really is extremely important. For many it's the specialised care that they get. Our homes only cater for people with MS so they're with staff that understand exactly what their problems are, they dont have to explain what the problems are to any of the other guests.

"They are expensive. It costs the society £2.7m a year in the subsidy, but we've known this for years.

"Respite homes are different to long-stay homes and they do cost money, but that's what people give money to the society for."

The AGM is considering resolutions which include support for the boards plan, one which recommends suspending it pending further consideration, and also two members have tabled a vote of no confidence.