A MAN who awoke with a severe headache went to hospital to find out he had been the victim of a vicious assault he knew nothing about.

The 27-year-old victim, who does not want to be named but is from Darlington, has no recollection of the assault, which resulted in a fractured cheekbone and permanent loss of feeling in his gums.

Police, who are treating the assault as grievous bodily harm, are trying to piece together the events leading up to the attack, which happened in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Officers believe the man, who had been drinking heavily, was the victim of a single punch to the face while he was making his way from late-night bar Harvey’s, in Houndgate, Darlington, to his home in East Mount Road.

The victim remembers nothing of the attack and did not even realise he had been assaulted until he went to the accident and emergency department at Darlington Memorial Hospital, after waking the next day with a splitting headache.

He told police he had drunk about 12 pints of lager during his night out.

His injuries were so severe that doctors transferred him to The James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough.

He suffered two fractures to his cheekbone and doctors recommended he had a metal plate put into his face, but he declined this treatment.

Medical experts say the injuries are consistent with a single punch to the face.

It is unlikely the man fell, as he has no other injuries.

Police are hoping a member of the public may have seen the attack, or events leading up to it.

PC Chris Horner, of Darlington Police, said: “The poor lad has been unable to tell us where or when he was punched.

“A member of the public may remember seeing someone being punched once and then walking off.”

The victim is described as about 6ft 2in, with short brown hair, shaved at the sides.

He was wearing dark blue jeans and a green jumper, with the sleeves rolled up.

Both his forearms are covered in tattoos.

Anyone with any information on the assault is asked to call PC Horner on 0345-60-60-365.