AN angry father attacked a witness at the inquest into the death of his teenage son.

Punches were thrown and chairs were sent flying at the end of the hearing into the death of Kane Sales, 15, who was knocked down and killed in Sunderland last year.

Police had to restrain Kane’s father just after the verdict was delivered.

Coroner David Mitford recorded a verdict of accidental death.

Those giving evidence included Paul McCully, who was driving the car involved.

The inquest also heard evidence from accident investigator Police Constable Colin Newman, who said that Mr McCully did not have time to brake when Kane suddenly stepped out in front of his car.

As Mr Mitford announced his verdict, Kane’s father Colin launched himself at Mr McCully.

Kane, from Roker, Sunderland, died in hospital on February 13, last year, after being knocked over in Newcastle Road, Sunderland, the previous day.

His friend, Nathan Fryat, 16, told the inquest how he and Kane had been throwing snowballs at each other, but ran off when confronted by a nearby resident.

Retired firefighter Dennis Gibson, who confronted the youngsters, said: “They both went into the road without looking.

“Nathan leaped almost over the bonnet of the car.”

Mr McCully gave evidence saying that he was driving slightly below the 40mph limit, a fact verified by the police.

Mr McCully said: “They just leaped out in front of me.

There was nothing I could do.”

Two men, a 49-year-old and a 52-year-old were arrested on suspicion of affray.