A DOG is believed to have suffered a horrific death after being thrown into water with two weights attached to the animal’s collar.

RSPCA officers have launched an investigation after the Staffordshire bull terrier-type dog was pulled from wetland in Port Clarence, near Middlesbrough.

The cause of death is yet to be determined so officers are keeping an open mind.

A member of the public spotted the animal, which had two 1.25kg weights attached to the collar, while walking across marshland close to the Saltholme RSPB wetland reserve on Monday.

RSPCA inspector Nick Jones said: “A post-mortem examination hasn’t been conducted yet, but it seems likely this dog died an horrific death after being thrown into the water.

“The fact that she’s been found with two heavy weights wired to her collar suggests the most awful act of cruelty.

“She didn’t have any obvious injuries so there doesn’t seem to be any connection to dog-fighting or anything like that at this time, but of course I’m keeping an open mind. I want to hear from anyone who recognises her or saw anything suspicious as soon as possible.”

The dog was a young female described as brindle in appearance.

It is believed she had been in the water for at least five days.

The collar was dark brown leather with metal paw prints on it. The weights were made by Olympus Sport, a type commonly sold in sports shops. They had been wired to the lead-loop on the collar.

“Whoever did this went to great lengths to attach the weights to her collar, certainly before putting it on her,”

added Insp Jones.

“What happened next just doesn’t bear thinking about.”

Witnesses are asked to call Insp Jones on the 24-hour RSPCA cruelty line, 0300-1234- 999.

Causing unnecessary suffering to an animal carries a sentence of up to six months in prison and/or a £20,000 fine.