Strange going‘s-on in the village as we appear to have a new craze!

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that a pair of trainers - of the Nike variety - had been tied together and thrown over a power line right opposite the entrance to Manor Grove. It seemed a bit strange at the time but I really didn’t think much of it, kids messing about more than likely. Then, last week, another pair appeared just a little further down on top of the telegraph pole. As I went to work this morning, low and behold, a THIRD pair has been ‘hoy’d’ over a power line just opposite the co-op!

I dread to think what people passing through the village might think; Some sort of carnival bunting perhaps or just the remains of the last visiting football team to beat Cockfield?

I wonder if they’re ‘Nike Air’ trainers!

Anyway, seems to me like a strange way to entertain yourself, but I hope whoever is doing it fancies taking up quoits, they’ve obviously got a good throw in them!