DAREDEVILS with long shoes captivated crowds with their acrobatics on the second day of the Stockton International Riverside Festival.

The Strangelings featured two men and two wheels, who performed an escape stunt as part of their act in the high street yesterday lunchtime.

This weekend’s festival finale will be marked with a big bang celebrating five days of eclectic performances which have taken over the town centre.

An audience of about 10,000 revellers is expected at Trinity Green, at 10.30pm tomorrow, for a music and fireworks display.

French-based Les Commandos Percu is bringing Bombs Per Minute, a fusion of music and fireworks.

Their spectacle attempts to immerse the audience in noise and rage with the aim of finally reaching peace and silence.

People heading to Trinity Green will see the finale signs showing entry to the park from Parliament Street.

The route from Stockton Riverside will be traffic-free following the temporary closure of the A1305 Riverside Road. Also, from 9pm to 11.30pm there will be a roadblock on Churchyard Link Road, Bridge Road and Tower Street.

For the latest festival news, visit sirf.co.uk