Ferryhill Town Centre Shops have an above average occupancy despite the current economic climate.

Vacancy rates for shop premises in the town have reduced in stark contrast to many other local towns.

A recent survey compiled this year revealed that there were only 7 vacant units in the town and 86 active businesses operating. This is in comparison to a survey conducted in 2003 were there were only 75 active businesses in shop premises.

Cllr. Zena Roddam from Ferryhill Town Council said, “This is a vibrant town with many different types of shops and good amenities for residents and visitors alike. We have free parking, a five star public convenience and lots of places to have a drink and snack, or a sit down meal”.

The town council is working with Durham County Council to secure the addition of a medium sized supermarket to compliment the existing local traders in the town.

Any business looking for shop premises to let in Ferryhill should contact local agent, Peter Clark on 01740 652 175.