A DARLINGTON man had to be rescued after falling 15 feet from rocks.

The Cleveland Search and Rescue Team were called out last night to rescue the climber who had fallen while on the Wainstones.

The 26-year-old was with a friend who called the emergency services and an air ambulance was then sent to the scene.

A spokesman for the Cleveland Search and Rescue Team said: "When the paramedics from the air ambulance arrived on site they found the man at the bottom of the crags and decided to call the Cleveland Search and Rescue Team for support.

"The man had sustained a shoulder injury and was in considerable pain."

A Sea King Helicopter from RAF Leconsfield was also sent to the scene.

"Because of the position that the man was in it was decide to winch him up to the Sea King Helicopter Members of the Cleveland Search and Rescue Team then assisted with the ‘winch’ and the man was taken to James Cook hospital."

A total of 21 members of the Search and Rescue Team attended the incident.

Barry Warrington a spokes-person for the Team said: "This was a great example of the emergency services working together to get an injured person to the safety and care of the hospital as quickly and effectively as possible. The Cleveland Search and Rescue Team were pleased to play a supporting role."