A GIRL awaiting a double organ transplant was one of a number of students taking part in a sponsored walk yesterday.

Mica Newcomb, 11, and classmates from Staindrop School Business and Enterprise College, in Staindrop, County Durham, helped to clock up 5,000 miles in aid of the school’s Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and Cancer Research UK.

Some of the money will also go to Mica’s charity challenge – she is taking part in a five-mile walk in aid of the Great North Children’s Hospital, at Newcastle, on Sunday, August 1.

Mica, from St Helen Auckland, near Bishop Auckland, has been treated at the hospital’s renal unit for a rare condition affecting her liver, kidneys and spleen.

She and her family are now on call 24- hours-a-day in case a liver and kidneys become available.

Sue Sewell, from the school, said the walk also raised awareness for a national donor “opt-out” system, which Mica’s family are also calling for. The scheme would mean every person who died was a potential donor unless they “opted out” from the transplant register.

Ms Sewell said: “We know that Tracey, Mica’s mum, is trying to push for the organ donation scheme, so we want to show we are behind that.

“Mica is gorgeous and so sociable. She is so bubbly and never complains, and to think of what she is going through and the severity of her illness.

“Every time you see her she has a smile on her face.”

To sponsor Mica for her walk in Leazes Park, Newcastle, call 01388- 600109 or email t.newcomb033@talktalk.net