THE British National Party launched its North-East manifesto yesterday by asking Gordon Brown for an apology in the wake of the off-camera gaffe.

Michael Stewart, who is standing in North-West Durham, sympathised with Gillian Duffy, 65, who was called a bigot by Mr Brown, on Wednesday.

Mr Stewart said: “It was typical of what happens when people question Labour’s policy on immigration, you get branded a bigot and worse, a racist.

“This has been happening to our members for years and we are all waiting for our apology.”

Ken Booth, the party’s North-East co-ordinator, who is standing for Newcastle central, set out the extreme right wing party’s manifesto.

During the launch at the Wheatsheaf pub, in Chilton, County Durham, he said it would run parallel with the party’s national manifesto.

Mr Booth said the party would also prioritise transport, farming and fishing, industry and jobs, energy, local economies, communities and public services.