A COUNCIL'S main decision-making body is moving out of its town hall to be closer to the community.

For the next ten months, Middlesbrough Council's executive committee will hold its meetings in venues across the town to make it easier for residents to attend.

The meetings will be followed by a question and answer session with Mayor Ray Mallon and executive members.

Mr Mallon said the aim was to make council decision-making more open, accessible and accountable.

He said: "Local democracy must take its place in the community. It cannot confine itself to the corridors of the town hall.

"We need to be open and accountable to people, who should have the right to see what we do, question why we do it and influence how we work.

"I hope this experiment will encourage people to come along, see how we work and contribute to their local democracy and the way Middlesbrough is run.

"The decisions we take affect the quality of life in every family and neighbourhood."

All the meetings will start at 5.30pm and dates and venues will be advertised and on the council's website - www.middles brough.gov.uk

The first two take place in North Ormesby Youth and Community Centre, on July 18, and on August 15, it will be in St Cuthbert's Church Hall, Stokesley Road, Marton.