A COURSE for motorists who feel intimidated driving alone starts next month.

The lone driver course is particularly aimed at mothers with young children or lone females.

Advice will also be given to other motorists on how to stop and offer help to stranded drivers.

The course is being run by Hambleton Community Safety Partnership.

Simon Gibson, of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: "We will show people how to assess situations as they arise, reduce conflict with other road users and take sensible steps to ensure safety at all times.

"We have all driven past someone in distress and regretted it later. And we have all wished we had more confidence when out alone.

"This course will mean that if anything does happen, you will know how to handle it."

Officers from all emergency services will attend the free course, which will feature a presentation on general road safety and personal safety.

Simple car maintenance tips will also be given.

The course will be held at the Allertonshire School, in Northallerton, on Saturday, July 22, from 10am. To book, call John Everson, of North Yorkshire's road safety team, on (01609) 533086.