SCHOOL pupils were marching to lessons on their stomachs after being given dinner Army-style.

Soldiers from the Royal Logistics Corps set up a field kitchen and provided lunch for the whole of Moorside Community Technology College, in Consett.

The operation was run from a huge marquee on the sports field and 30 year nine students gave a hand.

The field kitchen was run exactly like the real thing for soldiers on active service, feeding all 500 students as well as staff.

Ruth Allen, head of learning for year nine, said: "I was delighted when I heard that some of my students were being asked to take part.

"Not only did it help them learn about healthy cooking and eating but also gave them the chance to experience this side of Army life at first hand."

The idea is the brainchild of the school's catering manager, Heather Walford. She said: "We're always looking for ways of interesting students in cooking healthy food.

"Last year, for instance, some year ten students turned our dining hall into an Italian restaurant for a day. We also have chefs from local eateries like The Pavilion at Iveston. Even Mr Morris, the headteacher, has taken his turn."