BROMPTON'S carnival will take place over the bank holiday weekend.

The events begin on Friday when a family game of rounders will take place from 6pm.

The annual gymkhana will take place on Saturday, at 1pm, at the Banks Farm, then at 2pm a children's sports event will take place on High End Green.

On Saturday, there will be a disco from 8pm at the rugby club, which will include a pie and peas supper served at 9.30pm.

A handicraft show will be held in the village hall on Sunday and entries will be taken between 10am and noon for judging at 1pm.

A quoits competition will follow at the Green Tree pub, from 1pm.

On Monday there will be a display of vintage tractors and cars, children's and adults' fancy dress competitions, a dog show and tractor pull.

Other attractions on the day include a climbing wall, rodeo bull and bouncy castle.

For more details, or tickets for the disco, contact committee members or call (01609) 775263.