A COUNCIL chairman has sacked his consort in a move which has increased tension within the authority.

Richmondshire District Council chairman, Councillor Campbell Dawson, wrote to Councillor Jill McMullon to say that her services as his consort were no longer needed.

Coun McMullon, a Conservative, said the member of the Independent Coalition for Richmondshire group gave political reasons for the sacking.

In-fighting and feuding continues at the authority following a decision to go ahead with a £5m move to Colburn.

Coun McMullon agreed last year to accompany Coun Dawson to events and functions, as he is a bachelor and the pair represent neighbouring wards.

In a statement, Coun McMullon said: "I received the news of my dismissal by Coun Dawson by post the day after he left the country to go on holiday.

"I was very disappointed that he quoted political reasons for the change of consort.

"Surely this matter should be above local politics. I have attended every single engagement he has invited me to as his consort and thoroughly enjoyed being an ambassador for Richmondshire District Council."

Coun Dawson, a member of the Independent Coalition for Richmondshire, was unavailable for comment.