A VILLAGE community association is preparing to celebrate its 20th anniversary with a glimpse into its past and its future.

Woodham Village Community Association will mark two decades of the group and community centre with a celebration event on Saturday, May 6.

The day will include an exhibition of photographs and memorabilia spanning the 20- year history of the centre, which opened in St Elizabeth's Close, in 1986.

The anniversary year also signals the start of a new era for the centre, which is a registered charity, as it has just launched a website to promote and extend its facilities.

Vice-chairman of the association, David Sutton-Lloyd, said: "It is important to celebrate the centre's history and appreciate the work that has gone into making it what it is.

"But we also want to encourage new visitors to come along to start courses and activities to meet local demand. Anyone with items for the exhibition, or ideas for our future, can get involved."

Centre manager Sue Abed-Ali created the website at workshops held at the centre by The Northern Echo's Communigate team.

She plans to include web pages devoted to regular groups, an events calendar, newsletter and online forum at http://www.communigate.co.uk/ne/woodhamca

The workshops are sponsored by communications partner Orange and includes a mobile information technology workshop funded by Barclays and supported by Northumbria University.

To find out how to get the scheme to visit your community, contact community web editor Karen Maughan on (01325) 505270 for details.

To contribute to the display, leave exhibits at the centre, contact Sue on 07729054696, or David on (01325) 316144.