SCHOOL pupils have experienced creativity by getting hands-on experience making a sculpture.

Karen Rann, a freelance artist with the Baltic, in Gateshead, visited St Hild's Church of England Primary School, in Durham, for a two-day workshop.

The visit marked the beginning of the school's participation in the Cultural Hub - it is one of ten schools in County Durham selected to take part in the pilot scheme.

The project involves the school working with a number of other organisations and practitioners on creative projects. These include the Baltic Dance City, Seven Stories, Beamish and Durham Archives.

School arts co-ordinator Marie Hann said the sculpture workshop was a follow-up to a visit by Year five students to the British Art Show, at the Baltic. They saw work by artist Hugh Locke, who works with polypropylene. Ms Rann has been helping them make a stand-up sculpture from the material.

The school will also be involved in a project with writer Julie Ward, alongside Seven Stories, the centre for children's books in Newcastle.

Ms Ward will work with all of the school's children in a writing project, culminating in the publication of a book.

The Cultural Hub project will last for three years.