POLICE are hunting two "despicable" conmen who targeted seven pensioners in one day.

Detectives have issued an urgent warning after the spate of doorstep crimes in North Yorkshire.

In one of the worst incidents, the two thieves stole several hundred pounds from an 92-year-old woman in Reeth, Swaledale.

One man tricked his way into the woman's home by claiming he was from a utility company.

His accomplice sneaked into the living room and stole the money while the elderly resident was distracted.

Between midday and early evening on Thursday, the two men also tried to talk their way into homes in Catterick, Thirsk, Brafferton, Boroughbridge, Easingwold and Leeming.

Tony Lidgate, spokesman for North Yorkshire Police, said: "The force is issuing a strong warning to householders - especially elderly householders - not to let anyone into their homes without proof of identity

"This follows no less than seven cases across the county in one day when two men either conned their way into pensioners' homes, or at least attempted to.

"In the majority of cases, the men were successful in their despicable aim of finding and stealing cash from the old ladies and gentlemen."

Police say descriptions of the young men varied. But it is believed they were both in their late teens or early 20s.

The thieves claimed to be from the water, gas or electricity companies.

They said they needed to come in to check something.

Mr Lidgate said: "Some householders have done the right thing and sent them packing when they were not able to produce bona fides.

"Others, perhaps members of a more trusting generation, have let these thieves into their homes.

"Anyone who is visited by these two fake utilities workmen should shut and lock the door, then call the police immediately.

"Similarly, we want to hear from anyone who comes across two strangers to their community asking about where elderly people have their homes."

Anyone with information on doorstep criminals can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

* In November 2003, The Northern Echo launched its Doorstoppers campaign to try to stamp out the menace of bogus callers.