AN MP spent the day as a care worker yesterday to see the difficulties facing care providers.

Robert Goodwill, Conservative MP for Scarborough and Whitby, visited four elderly and disabled residents in their homes before stopping off at a care home.

The day was supported by the Independent Care Group (ICG), which represents care providers in North Yorkshire.

It says the home care service is under increasing pressure following North Yorkshire County Council's decision to raise the eligibility criteria for care.

Only people who are unable to carry out personal care or routines, such as getting out of bed or having a bath, are now eligible for help with the cost of care.

The ICG said this has put home care businesses at risk.

Keren Wilson, of the ICG, said fewer people qualify for help and many of those who do now receive a reduced level of service.

Home care in North Yorkshire is provided by the county council and independent care agencies.

The ICG said it had been told by the council that it did not receive sufficient Government funding to cover the cost of care.

Mr Goodwill said: "The vast majority of people in this sector don't make much more than the national minimum wage and the businesses are getting increasing regulatory costs and insurance costs. At the same time, county councils are being squeezed because of the constraints placed upon them by central Government."

The council declined to comment.