FAMILIES will be able to let their imaginations run riot in a sculpture fun day next week.

Professional artists will be on hand to help families create their masterpieces as part of Durham County Council's Sculpture in the Park celebrations, in the grounds of County Hall, Durham.

The free event runs from 11am to 3pm on Sunday, March 5, and all materials and car parking are free.

People of all ages and abilities are invited to take part and the artists will help people create sculptures small and large.

Visitors can take inspiration from the works that make up Sculpture in the Park and the theme of woodland creatures.

The county council's countryside rangers will provide a range of environmentally-friendly craft activities.

Project officer James Lowther said: "More than 200 people took part in the event last year, many discovering hidden artistic talent in themselves, but most importantly having fun. We expect even more this year."

There is no need to book a place. For more information, contact the council's arts development team on 0191-384 2214.