SPECIAL Parliamentary consent may be sought to save a motorbike event from being scrapped.

An unopposed Private Members Bill is expected to be tabled to ensure the Saltburn Hill Climb - cancelled last year because of traffic regulations - has a future.

The time trials, made by veteran and vintage motorcycles, are currently barred because traffic regulations do not allow competitive races on public highways.

Middlesbrough South and east Cleveland Labour MP Ashok Kumar, and a group of motor enthusiasts this week took their fight to Transport Minister Stephen Ladyman.

Mr Ladyman told them he would not oppose a move to find a way round the regulations.

Dr Kumar said: "Whilst everyone recognised that the highway regulations could not be changed, there were ways in which the Motor Club could seek a possible exemption. One way might be by steering a private bill giving specific exemptions to the hill climb, and I was encouraged to hear the minister say that if such a bill was tabled he would not oppose it."

Mr Ernie Crust, of organiser Middlesbrough and District Motor Club, said: "Such a bill was prepared for a motor racing event in Birmingham, but in the event never tabled.

"We will be looking to see if that bill could be re-fashioned to fit the circumstances in Saltburn.

"We will also now be seeking a meeting with the Motor Sports Association to see what assistance they may be able to offer us in this issue.

"Hopefully, yesterday's meeting will mark a way forward."

Last September's cancelled meeting would have been the 13th hill climb.

The trials have enjoyed an accident-free history.