A TEENAGE boy is being cold-shouldered by his teachers following an attack on two male cleaners in the school grounds.

The 15-year-old, who was not involved in the assault, has refused to name the two youths responsible - and teachers are refusing to teach him until he does.

Staff at Huntington School, York, decided unanimously to stop teaching the boy following the incident in the grounds after school hours.

He was seen with two other youths, who were on bikes, and the two cleaners, in their 50s, went out to move them on.

Both men were attacked and knocked to the ground, where they were also punched and kicked. One suffered cuts and bruises that needed hospital treatment.

The youths, who were wearing scarves across their faces, were not thought to be pupils.

However, the 15-year-old with them has refused to name the offenders, despite being asked by the staff and his mother.

As a result, he has been excluded from regular lessons, although he is still attending school and doing supervised work.

Headteacher Chris Bridge said: "We want it to be known as an entire staff that we are appalled at this attack and, while we recognise the Huntington School student had no part in it, we believe that he has an absolute duty to hand the names of the people he was with to the police.

"Until he does so, we will refuse to teach him."

He said the two cleaners, both long-serving members of staff, were left shaken.

"If we let these things just happen with no punishment, the place will be lawless," said Mr Bridge.

A police spokesman said the attack had been particularly vicious and cowardly, and urged anyone who might know the identity of the pair to come forward.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 0845 6060 247.