STUDENTS in Darlington are mounting a fundraising campaign to help build an overseas school.

Carmel College this week welcomed two students from a Northern Ireland school to learn about their similar campaigns.

Caitlian Mullan and Ciara Hone and their teacher, Catherine McGlinchey, set up a display of their project.

St Cecilia's Girls' School, in Derry, is helping to build a school in Cambodia at the same time as its own building programme. The visit was organised as part of links forged by the two schools' headteachers.

Carmel College is hoping to launch a similar campaign, while its £10m rebuild goes on.

Headteacher James O'Neill said: "Hearing about the inspiring work they are involved with in Cambodia has been an experience many of our pupils will never forget. Developing links and sharing experiences with other pupils helps to promote awareness and a sense of responsibility for those less fortunate than ourselves in our ever shrinking world."

Darlington MP Alan Milburn was at the college to look at the displays and talk to the pupils about their charity work.

Building a school in Cambodia costs about £15,000.