AN awareness campaign to protect wallets, homes and the environment has been launched.

The Energy Saving Trust, Billingham, has carried out research into heating bills and cavity wall insulation.

In response to the findings, the company has launched the Mind the Gap initiative, to raise awareness of cavity wall insulation and its benefits.

Director David Lacey said: "Rather than turning up the thermostat at the first sign of cold, only to complain of high energy bills later, householders need to realise the benefits that a well insulated home can bring.

"Simple measures to protect your home in the winter could save an average of £120 a year and reduce the carbon dioxide emissions that your home is responsible for, by a significant 1.2 tonnes."

The Energy Trust's Advice Centre is offering all homeowners a free and impartial home energy check.

The campaign features an interactive online guide to overcoming common winter gremlins, including an image of a house to show how and where problems can arise.

There are easy steps to help alleviate these problems and save a significant amount of money, says the trust.

With the assistance of grants, measures such as loft insulation can cost from as little as £135, but could save up to £170 a year, redeeming the cost in less than 12 months.

New research has revealed that 830,000 households in the North-East feel they are insufficiently protected to cope with frosty winter weather, leaving more than three-quarters of householders plagued by icy draughts, condensation problems, hot water shortages and high heating bills.

The Energy Trust has a free helpline on 0800 512012.