A FORMER Archbishop of Canterbury is to preach at Durham Cathedral on Saturday.

Lord Carey of Clifton will address the Make Poverty History - Service of Thanksgiving and Recommitment, which will mark the achievements of the movement set up to stem Third World poverty last year.

The guest of honour is Margaret Sentamu, wife of the new Archbishop of York, the Most Reverend Dr John Sentamu, who was only installed in November.

Following the service, the south nave aisle of the cathedral will be transformed into a market place where a range of fair trade and Traidcraft goods will be available.

Other guests will include the Roman Catholic Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, the Right Reverend Kevin Dunn, the Bishop of Jarrow, the Right Reverend John Pritchard, Durham's Mayor, councillor John Lightley, and his wife Margaret, while Durham MP Roberta Blackman-Woods, plus North-East MEPs Martin Callanan and Fiona Hall, will read scripture lessons.

Christians of all traditions across the North-East are welcome to attend the service, which starts at 11am.