A TOWN church that rose from the ashes half a century ago to become an important part of its community starts its golden anniversary celebrations this weekend.

St Paul's Church, in Spennymoor, was reopened for worship by the Queen Mother in 1956, following a devastating fire three years earlier.

This weekend marks the start of a year-long celebration of the church's resurrection after the blaze, which destroyed almost the entire building apart from the clock tower.

Following the 10am family service on Sunday, children from Rosa Street Primary School, youngsters from the congregation and radio presenter Judie McCourt will release 50 balloons to signal the start of the anniversary year.

Parish priest, the Reverend Lynda Gough, said: "We're really hoping that the celebrations will bring the community of Spennymoor together, as we give thanks for the last 50 years of worship at St Paul's."

Throughout the year there will be further events including the main anniversary rededication service in November.

For details about the church and events visit www.stpaulsspennymoor. co.uk