RAY MALLON, the former police chief whose zero tolerance approach earned him the nickname Robocop, has launched an attack on Tony Blair's Respect Agenda.

The former Middlesbrough police superintendent accused the Government of paying lip service to tackling anti-social behaviour.

He said that after eight years of a Labour government, people were still crying out for help, and that unless the Government took real action, it would be turfed out of office at the next election.

Mr Mallon, Mayor of Middlesbrough, mocked Home Secretary Charles Clarke's claim to have acted swiftly to tackle anti-social behaviour. And he questioned Home Office Minister Hazel Blears' claim that millions of people now felt safer.

He said: "Are they? Then they are a different public to the one I am speaking to.

"The Government must act and they must act now. I say this to the Labour government - the clock is ticking where anti-social behaviour is concerned."

Mr Mallon backed Tory leader David Cameron's promise to reform the police but he warned money was not the answer.

Speaking alongside Mr Cameron at a youth centre in east London, Mr Mallon said: "Do not give the police service any more money.

"The police service absorbs money like a sponge absorbs water.

"Inevitably you do not see any further efficiency and effectiveness.

"When they are efficient and effective give them more money. Do not do it until they are efficient and effective."

Mr Mallon's criticism will come as a blow to the Government, which has courted the mayor for many years.

The North-East Labour Party approached Mr Mallon with an offer to stand as its Hartlepool candidate, but he is believed to have said he could not be Middlesbrough mayor and Hartlepool MP at the same time.

The Tories have also sought to ally themselves with the high-profile former detective.