FORMER long-serving MP Lord Foster said he was delighted when he was handed red and white robes to wear to receive his honorary degree.

The Sunderland-born Labour man, who represented Bishop Auckland, in County Durham, for 26 years and is a keen Black Cats fan, said: "At least they are the right colours. I'm a Mackem born and bred."

Lord Foster, 68, watched by his wife Ann, now Lady Foster, and other family members, received a doctorate from Durham University chancellor Bill Bryson during a degree ceremony in Durham Cathedral in recognition of his long parliamentary career. Lord Foster, the son of a Wearside shipyard worker, was made a lord by the Prime Minister after he retired from the Commons before last year's General Election and says he loves life in the Upper House.

He said: "You are not suffering slings and arrows. People are very courteous and kind to each other.

"There are political differences, but people do not feel the need to be as cruel to each other as they are in the Commons."

Lord Foster said he was delighted to receive the degree because he had a great regard for Durham University. He said: "In my view, it is the best university in the North-East."