A TEENAGE rider is seeking international glory - with the help of a Government scholarship.

But the challenge facing Fiona Maynard is all the greater because she is visually-impaired, which has a major impact on her ability to compete in her chosen event of dressage.

Fiona, from Clifton, York, has no central vision, can only distinguish limited detail, and is unable to see the arena markers.

But now the 19-year-old has secured £3,000 from the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme to support her quest to reach the top.

The Government-funded programme helps the most talented 16 to 25-year-olds with potential to reach world-class levels to balance academic life, training and competing.

Fiona, who trains with Sue Joy and Lynne Varley at Haxby, near York, said: "I couldn't believe it. My hard work is starting to pay off.

"We are at a massive regional disadvantage because most events are in the south, so the sponsorship is fantastic as it pays for travel, accommodation and stabling costs."

The cash will also fund training, physiotherapy and advice on time management, nutrition and fitness.

Fiona hopes to compete in the Para Dressage World Championships in 2007, and the London Paralympics in 2012.

She represented Great Britain at both events in 2005, while also securing a first and second rosette in her class in the Paralympic Winter qualifier in November 2005.