RESIDENTS of a once crime-ridden estate will have the chance to see how effective the CCTV coverage near their homes is.

Eastbourne Community Safety group's next meeting will include a visit to the council's CCTV surveillance control room.

The tour will follow at the end of February's meeting, which will be held in Darlington Town Hall.

Crime in the Firthmoor area has been slashed in the past five years through a series of initiatives.

They included introduction of cameras on the estate. But following concerns from residents that the CCTV was ineffective, they will get the chance to see how they work.

Bill Cook, resident and member of Eastbourne Community Partnership Board, said: "We need to overcome people's fears of the cameras.

"We need to explain just what the cameras are about. We need to reassure residents that they do work.

"Those who went down before and saw them, were reassured. We need to build up our reputation of the cameras."

The group will next meet on February 1, at 10am.