NEW Year is extra special for one little girl who has beaten all the odds.

When Elena Kidd was two, she was given only months to live after being diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Her mother, Lisa, and father, Lee, of Bainbridge Avenue, South Shields, South Tyneside, prepared themselves for the worst after being told there was little hope for their daughter.

But despite not being able to walk or talk because of her illness, Elena, now four, has astounded medical experts.

Two years after her family were given the devastating news, Elena is doing well at school, and enjoyed Christmas with her parents and six-year-old sister, Leyoni.

Mrs Kidd, 35, said: "It's really amazing. Elena was only given six months to live when she was first diagnosed.

"We've always said it was a miracle from God, and that's how I feel.

"Elena's really come through to start school and show signs of improvement.

"Her speech is getting better and she is sitting up on the floor by herself.

"She's enjoying school, where she's settled in really well. Every Christmas and New Year is very special for us."