A STUDENT has made a heartfelt plea for motorists to make their own New Year resolutions - to take care around horses.

Kelly Inglis spoke out in the hope of preventing tragedies in the future affecting horses and their riders.

The 16-year-old was involved in an incident last spring, which saw her knocked off her mount and her horse injured.

She was out riding near her home at Gilling West, near Richmond, when the incident happened in April.

She was knocked off her horse and the animal suffered a badly cut eye.

It also lost a lot of confidence and an expert was eventually called in to help it regain its nerves.

Kelly, a student at Richmond College, said: "I just want to make drivers aware that they must be careful around horses.

"They must slow down, and, if the road is narrow, they should wait until the rider signals them to pass.

"Some drivers just go too fast and forget that horses are living things that can be unpredictable."