PEOPLE will be able to delve into a city's underground secrets when a new course starts soon.

The geological suprises are part of a new course at Durham County Council's Clayport Library, in Durham, from Wednesday, January 18.

Durham - a Billion Years runs for ten weeks and takes people on a journey through 1,000 million years of the city's geological history.

It covers Cambrian volcanoes and coal mines and includes a coral sea - Durham City's beach - and the building constructed upside down.

The course runs from 7pm to 9pm on Wednesdays and is one of a series at Clayport.

Family history for beginners will run for ten weeks, beginning on Tuesday, January 17, from 9.30am to 11.30am and the following day, from 12.30pm to 2.30pm. On the Wednesday, tutor Anne Hinchliffe will look at family history on the Internet, from 9.30am to 11.30am.

Local historian David Butler will examine maps and plans as sources for local history on a ten-week course starting on Monday, January 23, from 7pm to 9pm.

For further details on the courses, contact Clayport Library on 0191-386 4003.