MIDDLESBROUGH Council is encouraging people to make 2006 a bad year for identity thieves.

The council, in a town-wide crackdown on ID theft, has sold 1,000 cut-price shredders to people.

It has also been providing information to local businesses about ensuring their security by shredding confidential waste.

The council's efforts won it a silver in the annual Green Apple awards, one of the country's top environmental competitions.

Deputy mayor Councillor Bob Brady is the latest person to start shredding.

"Identity thieves need only scant personal details to start a costly scam, so we have been trying to get the message home that people should shred anything which would give them a lead," he said.

"They're just like any predators - cut off their food supply and they go away, so the safest thing is to shred anything which they could possibly use.

"We have now sold more than 1,000 shredders, targeting the areas of town where people have the lowest incomes - they're the areas where ID theft is most common and where the people can least afford to be the victims of fraud.

"Shredding bills, receipts, bank statements and letters only takes a few seconds, but it can save you thousands of pounds."

Any resident interested in buying a shredder from the council can telephone (01642) 726001.