LIFE after university could be a walkover for design graduate Tora Haslum.

The 27-year-old, who graduated from the University of Tees with a BA (Hons) in industrial design, has been in discussions with two manufacturers about her design for a universal boot which does not smell after being wet.

Ms Haslum was so frustrated by a round of shoe shops trying to find a boot to fit her, she decided to do something practical about it and focused her final year on designing a comfortable boot.

Ms Haslum said: "I couldn't find a boot to fit me, either my legs were too skinny or big. My design has an extendable calf so the boots can fit anyone.

"There's also the problem of what to do if the boot gets wet in the winter, so I've suggested an anti-bacterial lining to remove the smell from wet or damp boots.

"I really liked the project and have been in contact with two companies to get them interested in the design."

Ms Haslum, from Norway, aims to start a business back in her own country with Aina Moe, another Teesside design graduate.

Ms Haslum, who enjoyed her three years at the university, said: "I always wanted to study in another country, to develop my languages and see other cultures. It's so different to back home.

"My computing and language skills have really improved and I know how to work realistically and under pressure.

"You also get a really nice welcome from the university's society for international students, Interlink."

It helps you to make friends from different countries."