SANTA'S MESSAGE: IT is at this time of year more than any other that I look around and I see what old and young feel about me.

I see the delight and magic of the young ones who have not yet lost their belief in me or, what is more important, their belief in the spirit of Christmas.

Then I see those who have lived longer and I see that their belief has faded and that makes me sad because they no longer feel the spirit of Christmas or what it truly means.

It is that spirit that we should carry with us all year because it is the best of mankind.

For those who have families it is either a reason to get together or keep in touch. For all of us it is a reason to stop for a while, think of those we love and care about, and to remember those who may not be so lucky and if we can help in any way then let the spirit of Christmas give you the reason to do just that.

Christmas is what we make it, not the other way round, as we sometimes forget. You just have to remember that it is people that matter and that Christmas can make us stop and enjoy those around us as well as enjoying ourselves.

And so my message is that it is more important as the years go by to really believe as that is the way forward for all of us. My love to all of you. - Santa, The North Pole.


IN the European Parliament, Tony Blair tried to defend his decision to give up £1bn per year of British EU rebate in exchange for a vague promise of a review of the EU budget.

The reasons for his act of generosity will be debated at length during the next seven years but for the present let's consider the effect of this great giveaway on the British economy.

Exactly where will the money come from? The Government might already have enough surplus to cover this extra burden but, if that's the case, then that money belongs to us, the British people, and should be spent in this country on the NHS, on education, or on our pensioners, but not on building motorways in Eastern Europe.

However, it is more likely that the money will come from either increased taxation, or by cuts in services. Which ever method is used the British people will be the losers.

So if you are struggling to pay your bills, or are having to care for an elderly or sick relative without any help, you will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that you are contributing to the European dream. - Eric Wilson, chairman UKIP Hartlepool.


STOCKTON Borough Council voted on December 14 to recommend that elections for a Billingham Town Council be deferred until 2007.

The main argument for this was the extra cost in holding elections in 2006 instead of at the same time as Stockton Borough elections, due in 2007.

This will be three and a half years after the people of Billingham voted in a referendum organised by Stockton Borough Council 2-1 in favour of setting up their own council and for the opportunity to put some pride back in the town.

However, perhaps we should not be too concerned at this delay for, in the words of one Billingham councillor at the meeting "nobody wants it" (ie a town council).

So, the 4,016 Billingham people (67 per cent of those who voted) are nobody? That's all right then. - Colin Pollard, Chair, Billingham Town Council Steering Committee.


ROBIN Brooks's letter (HAS, Dec 20) about Wear Valley Council flying the EU flag is bizarre, to say the least.

His criticism of Neil Herron's campaign to have the English flag, the flag of our country, flown over council buildings instead of the EU flag is something one would expect to hear from the Scottish Raj in Westminster.

The EU is not a territorial entity as Mr Brooks contends - it is a political project.

He asks how the political pressure Neil Herron mentions to fly the flag is different to the pressure he and his fellow campaigners have applied to have the flag removed. The political pressure to fly the flag comes from the British Government whereas the pressure not to comes from ordinary people.

Finally, how has the removal of the EU flag in favour of the English flag advanced Wear Valley's drive to become the best district council in England? How can a council that chooses to fly the flag of a corrupt political project based in Belgium instead of the flag of England possibly claim to be English?

To fly the English flag is an expression of patriotism. To remove it and fly the EU flag in its place is a display of treachery. At least we now know the price of Wear Valley's loyalty - two members on the EU Committee of the Regions. - Stuart Parr, Telford (Euro-region of the West Midlands).


AS Boxing Day approaches, the League Against Cruel Sports is calling on hunts up and down the land to have a cruelty-free Christmas.

We welcome the fact that many have converted to drag hunting and are still enjoying their pageantry, stirrup cup, and galloping across the countryside.

The league and its supporters have nothing against tradition or red coats, but we have everything against recklessly abusing animals for 'sport'.

The league will not be arranging Boxing Day protests and hopes its supporters will enjoy Boxing Day, safe in the knowledge that if hunts are breaking the law, they will be prosecuted.

League Hunt Crimewatch volunteers will be out gathering evidence if hunts are in breach of the Hunting Act. The hunt ban is an enforceable law which will be policed in the same way as any other legislation, with concerned members of the public or the league's Hunt Crimewatch volunteers providing the police with evidence of any law breaking.

The Hunting Act is clear - chasing wild animals with packs of dogs is against the law.

The league and its supporters will continue to defend British wildlife from those who seek to recklessly abuse it. However, it welcomes hunts which have a cruelty-free Christmas.

So get your red coats on, enjoy the crisp country air and toe the line. - Name and address supplied.