A CAR dealer who was a member of a gang supplying cocaine and ecstasy has been ordered to hand over more than £126,000 in proceeds of his crime.

Anthony Ronald Hall was given six months by a court to pay the money or face an extra three years in jail.

Hall, 40, of Brignall Moor Crescent, Darlington, who is known by the nickname of "Boney", was jailed for five years earlier this year after admitting conspiracy to supply class A drugs.

He was one of eight men, all from Darlington, involved in large-scale drug dealing, who received jail sentences totaling more than 35 years.

The gang was brought down after being infiltrated by undercover officers over 18 months, as part of Dur- ham Police's Operation Karaman.

Following the convictions in April, police brought confiscation proceedings against five of the gang in an attempt to seize their remaining assets.

After a hearing at Teesside Crown Court on Thursday, Hall was made the subjectof a £126,216 confiscation order by Judge John Walford.

Another man, Paul Wilson, who was jailed for six years, had already been told to hand over £23,433 in assets.

Confiscation orders totaling £10,422 were also made against three other members of the gang, who were each subject to separate court hearings.

Detective Chief Inspector Neil Malkin, of Durham police, said: "Not only will we seek to punish people involved in organised crime through the courts, we will also look to take their assets off them."