SCHOOL footballers are limbering up for their biggest sporting challenge yet.

The Hurworth School Year 11 team will be competing for the first time in the County Cup Final on Saturday, at Sunderland Football Club's Academy of Light.

This is only the third year that Hurworth School has entered the tournament.

They worked their way through the rounds, beating schools from Brierton and Wellfield, before finally earning their place in the final with a 5-3 victory over Lanchester side, St Bedes.

The identity of their opponents for the final is not yet known, as the second semi-final has not been played

Teacher Rita Rees said: "The team are very confident of winning and we all really hope that that they can bring the trophy back to our school.

"The boys are actually coached by a former pupil of ours who is now a PE teacher, so I really hope they can continue their good run under him."