RESIDENTS who want to improve their neighbourhood are being given the chance to take part in a free development programme to help them.

The Take the Lead programme is being offered by West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust (WMNT) to help people have an input on regeneration schemes.

An introductory session is being held on Thursday to give residents a taste of what the full programme will cover in the New Year.

This will be followed by bite-size, evening sessions that will include guest speakers, visits and workshops.

Two of the people who completed the last programme are now more involved in their communities through WMNT.

Michael Welsh, a 69-year-old Newport resident, completed the last course and is now a WMNT board member.

The programme has been made possible thanks to extra support from Awards for All - which has provided a £5,000 grant to support the course.

The introductory session at Macmillan Academy Learning Centre, Stockton Road, Middlesbrough takes place from 6pm to 7pm.

Places are free, but numbers are limited, so call Free-phone 0800 0833731 or (01642) 230555 for details.