DESPITE one of the coldest winters predicted, householders can save £250.

Hartlepool Borough Council is working with the Billingham-based Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre to give energy-saving tips.

They are:

Turn the thermostat down by one per cent and heating bills can be cut by up to ten per cent, saving about £30 a year.

A cylinder thermostat for water doesn't need to be set higher than 60 degrees C / 140 degrees F.

Close the curtains at dusk to stop heat escaping through windows.

Always turn off the lights when leaving a room and do not leave electrical appliances on standby or on charge unnecessarily.

Only boil as much water as needed, but remember to cover the elements with water if using an electric kettle.

Make sure taps are fully turned off - in just one day, a dripping hot water tap wastes enough water to fill a bath.

Residents can call the Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre to answer a few simple questions about their home and the centre will give a free, impartial report showing how money can be saved on energy bills.

David Morgan, Hartlepool council's energy officer, said: "Research has shown that by being more energy efficient at home, the average household could save up to £250 a year."

The Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre can be contacted on freephone (0800) 512 012.