RURAL businesses are battling for the honour of being named the top firm in the North-East.

The Countryside Alliance has selected the regional finalists for its annual Best Rural Retailer competition.

Dozens of nominations were received for the North-East round of the contest, with the winner going forward to the national finals.

The shortlist includes Bagnall and Kirkwoods, a rural oufitters and suppliers firm, in Newcastle; Crinnions Master Butchers, of Lanchester, County Durham; and David Carr's Corner Shop, at Longframlington, Northumberland.

Countryside Alliance regional director Richard Dodd said: "The enthusiasm of customers towards their local retailers is phenomenal and extremely well deserved, especially in the case of our finalists, although we could have had dozens of finalists from the region because the calibre of nominee has been so high.

"Buying locally is clearly very important to many, but it is the people who own and work for rural retailers who have created the biggest impression on me.

"The passion of our finalists is clear - they are the unsung heroes of rural enterprise and they are the reason we have run this competition. Choosing an overall winner is going to be incredibly difficult."