A FIRM which provides translation services has been nominated for a top award.

Teesside-based Everyday Language Solutions, has been shortlisted to receive a Shaw Trust Star Award at the Cafe Royal, London, tomorrow.

The Stockton firm is in the running to win the SME Employer Award, aimed at businesses that provide work placement and employment opportunities for users of the Shaw Trust, which is a national charity for people who are disadvanted.

Operational manager Adrienne Atkin said: "We are absolutely delighted to have been shortlisted for this award as we do take our work and contribution in the community very seriously and genuinely want to make a difference to everybody who comes in to contact with our organisation."

Pat Midgley, Shaw Trust employment advisor, said: "Whenever I go to Everyday Language Solutions, they are always amenable and helpful and genuinely aware of the plight of people with disabilities and how difficult things can be."