PEOPLE from Darlington are being invited to train to become lifesavers by the North East Ambulance Service.

The service has life-saving equipment to issue to community volunteers who have been trained to attend incidents involving heart attacks.

The British Heart Foundation has awarded the North East Ambulance Service 36 defibrillators.

These devices transmit electric shocks to the heart in an attempt to restore its normal rhythm.

The service is now hoping to recruit volunteers from across the borough and train them to be First Responders.

Stephen Thompson, First Responder co-ordinator from the North East Ambulance Service, said: "We are currently looking for community volunteers in Darlington to complete our four-to-six-hour training course, to enable them to provide emergency support for their community.

"A high number of incidents occur in public places and to help provide the fastest and most appropriate clinical care, we are training people who are on hand to assist patients and use defibrillators, when appropriate, prior to an ambulance crew arriving on scene."

First Responders are trained in basic life support skills including how to use a defibrillator to provide an electric shock to a heart that is quivering rather than pumping.

They are on call to respond to adults suffering chest pain, breathlessness, unconsciousness and cardiac arrest and act as a support for North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust.

For more information on becoming a volunteer call Mark Clissold, community defibrillation officer, on 0191-226 4453 or 07813 790535.