A PROJECT which works with young people in Derwentside has been shortlisted for a national award.

The Spice programme, run by Derwentside District Council, is one of 11 projects from across the country in the running to be awarded Beacon status by the Government.

If successful, the project will receive £50,000 towards its work.

Launched in 2001 to involve youngsters in local democracy and community issues, the project has since worked with more than 9,000 young people and 40 schools.

Among the projects it has been involved with are a Young People's Forum, which elects 58 members from across the district, and a reward scheme which allows children to build up points through good behaviour at school which can be cashed in for free swimming sessions or games.

Nick Tzamarias, the council's policy manager, said: "This is not just a huge boost to all of us here in the council offices, but to our thousands of young people, their parents and teachers, and our partner organisations who have helped make Spice such a fantastic success. We couldn't have done this without them."

The overall winner is expected to be announced by the Government in April.