HUNDREDS of survival packs are to issued to elderly people in the Sedgefield area this winter.

Age Concern will distribute Winter Warmth packs across the area following the success of the scheme in other areas.

The project is designed to ensure that older people have as much relevant information as possible to keep them warm and well.

Included in the pack is leaflets about the NHS Keep Warm Keep Well leaflet, which offers older people advice on keeping fit and well during the winter period, and SESAW, Sedgefield Borough Council's energy advice scheme.

Also in the pack is a carbon monoxide detector and a room thermometer with a working life of three months, which should be placed near to gas appliances.

The packs will be distributed through Age Concern's Handyvan Scheme, which goes out to the over 60s, as well as from their office in Chilton.

Anyone wanting a free pack is asked to contact the Age Concern Sedgefield locality team on (01388) 720064.